In the marine industry, our interest is not to sell marine equipment; It’s the customer’s choice if he wants to buy marine equipment from a vendor or from a specialist.
The difference that makes us “the best” – now and in the future – is that our specialists will offer in a profound professional approach the best advices and consultancy, to ensure the maximum reliability of the equipment, and give the owner the confidence that he can use it in the most difficult conditions.

Quality is what we offer
It is an objective in itself that we have set for each activity, and also a means of achieving stakeholder confidence and build successful relationships.
Performance and professionalism
We are proud of our specialists and we consider ourselves among the best in our field of activity. Our engineers and technicians can solve any technical problem of any equipment installed on board of a ship, so that after their action, no further intervention will be needed.
Dedicate to permanent learning
In our daily work we help all our team members to improve their knowledge and skills.

The top management of Ancom ‘96 SRL is committed to:
- provide the necessary technical, logistical and organizational environment;
- provide the necessary resources for establishing, analyzing and implementing managerial policies and objectives.
- ensure communication, understanding, analysis and implementation of all company’s policies at all levels,
- periodically review the effectiveness and efficiency of the implemented Management System and to support its continued improvement.